The trail we propose is rich in beautiful views of the nearby peaks of the Tatra Mountains, which makes a person forget about the effort during the numerous climbs of the monuments of the Spiš culture. We start the route at the car park by the roundabout in Bukowina Tatrzańska.
1. Cross the bridge over the Białka river and turn left to Czarna Góra (2.5km). Then we reach the famous Korkosz Homestead in Czarna Góra (once owned by the local wealthy Korkosz family). It is an example of a characteristic homestead of a rich Spisz farm. An ethnographic exhibition on Spiš culture is on display here, and the layout of the buildings is an example of the development of a Spiš homestead: from a simple one consisting of two buildings (a cottage and a stable) in the late 19th century, to one consisting of many buildings in the 1930s.
2. Having reached Trybsz (6.5km), we turn right at the main crossroads and arrive at the wooden historic church of St. Elisabeth - built in the Podhale style in the 16th century. Its walls and ceiling are decorated with beautiful paintings, and attention is drawn to a rich polychrome from 1647 depicting one of the biblical scenes against the background of the Tatra panorama. It is the oldest known panorama of these mountains.
3. Return to the main road and head north-west (11.5km). After crossing the bridge over the Białka River, turn right at the nearest junction. Then, after driving 1100m, we reach the car park visible on the right, which is located within the Białka Gorge Reserve. Created in 1959, the Białka Gorge is a reserve created by a mountain river at the western end of the Pieniny Spiskie Mountains. The strong yet inconspicuous mountain river Białka has carved a picturesque gorge between two limestone rocks. This precious natural treasure is a favourite resting place for tourists and the backdrop for many film scenes.

4. After a rest in this extremely charming place, we return to the main road and drive to Nova Biala. At the crossroads behind the historic church in Nowa Biała, turn right and enter the village of Krempachy (13km). The church in Nowa Biała dedicated to St Catherine of Alexandria is located in the centre of the village and is an example of an 18th century Baroque village church. In the village of Krempachy, on the other hand, there are as many as two historic churches. The Church of St. Martin dating from the mid-16th century with a soaring tower, characteristic for the Spiš region, were a monstrance from 1528 in the shape of a chapel with the statue of St. Peter is noteworthy, and the Baroque cemetery church from the 18th century.
5. From St Martin's Church in Krempachy we return to the main junction. Before the stream, turn left into the narrow tarmac to Dursztyn (16.5km). At the church in Dursztyn we turn right and follow the narrow asphalt uphill (red trail). The trail takes us to the top of Mt Grandeus. This is a wonderful vantage point, offering a fantastic panorama of the Polish and Slovak Tatras, the Pieniny, the Gorce and even the highest peak of the Polish Beskid Mountains - Babia Góra 1725 m above sea level.
6. On the top of Mt Grandeus by the shed turn right and follow the dirt road to reach the Trybska Pass by the shepherd's hut, then turn left and you are in Łapsze Wyżne (21.5 km). In Łapsze Wyżne the church from the mid-18th century in the Spisz baroque style is worth seeing. By the church we turn right and go up the long driveway through Łapszanka to the Nad Łapszanka Pass (28km). At the chapel on the pass we turn right admiring the views of the Tatra Mountains on our left.
7. We descend into the valley of the Jurgowczyk brook and turn right. We reach the national road No 49, which we turn right. The tour ends at the car park behind the bridge over the Białka River (34km).
Trail length: 34km
Driving time: 5 hours